The name “Skybreaker” for a sword is already taken. Should’ve done the research, I guess. Now to find the new name…
Fiction Review: Aurora, by Kim Stanley Robinson
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogCheck out my review policy for a few disclaimers before proceeding. Content warnings: Violence, sex as banally noted by a computer, swearing, but more importantly, a dreary philosophy that pervades the whole book. I add three more disclaimers...
Monday Musings: Purgatory, Punishment, Purification, and Plumbism
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogPurgatory is a doctrine I usually have little trouble with. It is merciful in its own way, as one no longer has to either deem a sin meaningless or damning. Imperfection is a option. Punishment, on the other hand, is not so simple. It has...
A Tale of Three Videogames
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogBEFORE: Mordor: The Depths of Dejenol was one of my favorite CRPGs growing up. Still is, since the last character I played I put about 30 hours in. Something always felt more full about Mordor than other CRPGs. You weren't just delving a...