Matthew P. Schmidt

My Blog

I’ve moved!

Aug 2, 2023 | Behind the Scenes, Declarations | 0 comments

For those of you who have wondered what has been happening, well, it’s a long story, but the short version is I’m moving all my social media to Substack.

Check it out here!


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On Gratuitous Rape

This is not a happy-go-lucky post. If this subject matter disturbs you, I suggest reading something else, or perhaps waiting a few days–I plan to blog more frequently in the future.

The taste of the modern public has been, as of late, for dark and “gritty” fiction. Whether or not said fiction actually is is a subject for someone else’s post, but consider: The Hunger Games. Game of Thrones. The Malazan Book of the Fallen. The Witcher. Actually, I could rattle off a whole list of popular, dark, fiction, and invariably most of them are going to contain rape.