The C-x C-f Writing Method
Matthew P. Schmidt My Blog(sometimes I use c-x 4 f, too...) There comes a time in every writer's life whereupon they must stand atop the nearest soapbox, milkcrate, or indefinite cubic object to declaim how their style of writing is THE BEST . This is rather like...
Once and Future King!
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogOne of my stories was accepted into a YA anthology: Tales of the Once and Future King. Stay tuned for updates. The story's title is Tristan and Isolde: A Chivalric Tragedy with Giant Steampunk Battle Robots (also, vampires). The title should...
The Melancholy of Heaven
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogAre martyrs sad? Standard answer: no. They are in Heaven by definition, and "He will wipe every tear from their eyes." Any suffering they may have experienced is over, forever. Further, they will bear no ill will towards their tormentors, but...
Christian Tragedies
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogMany Christian works, or at least those in that genre known as "Christian Fiction," are happy. Not necessarily comedies in the technical sense, but stories where good happens to good people and bad happens to bad people, and everything is...
Superversive Guest Blog – Theologic Licens
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogI've got a guest blog post on Welcome to Arhalyon on theologic license when writing fiction. Here's a sample. The problem of mixing speculative fiction with actual religion has existed since the first time Og told a ghost story around the...
Mailing List!
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogI've created a mailing list for announcing new books and other important announcements. Is this a sign of more things to come? YOU DECIDE!

New Title: The API of the Gods
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogI may have been silent, but I've been working. Here's one of those things. Michael Arnold is a programmer for the Gods, a human software engineer writing reality-altered code for purposes he does not know or understand. He is also a soldier...
Webtoon Review: Tower of God, by SlaveInUtero.
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogCheck out my review policy for a few disclaimers before proceeding. Content warnings: People getting injured or dead in various horrible ways, not necessarily praised consequentialism, and in the official translation, inconsistently censored...
We destroy our own idols
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogYesterday, I sold my remaining supply of, and ended my involvement with, that infamous cryptocurrency called Bitcoin. This is less a ragequit than a sadquit. I do not have a philosophical objection to Bitcoin itself, aside from concern over...
Fiction Review: An Enemy of the State, by F. Paul Wilson.
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogCheck out my review policy for a few disclaimers before proceeding. Content warnings: The one severe bad word used humorously is a far smaller sin than the moral message of this book. The line between fiction written for a message and fiction...
Smithgift's Stuff
Blog Highlights
How many angels can, in fact, dance on the head of a pin?
The theological equivalent of xkcd's What If? column, if you will. Yet the question, absurd or not, remains.
The Melancholy of Heaven
Are martyrs sad? Standard answer: no. They are in Heaven by definition, and “He will wipe every tear from their eyes.” I agree. Generally.
Lessons Learned from Making Educational Games for Kids
This is the first article in lessons we've learned, starting with the front-end design of the games themselves.
The C-x C-f Writing Method
There comes a time in every writer’s life whereupon they must stand atop the nearest soapbox, milkcrate, or indefinite cubic object to declaim how their style of writing is THE BEST.