The name “Skybreaker” for a sword is already taken. Should’ve done the research, I guess. Now to find the new name…

More progress (and cover reveal!)
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogI have received the finished cover from Streetlight Graphics today. Here it is! Chances are the book won't be available by January, as there's still some revisions to do. February, or more realistically March, is more likely. But stay tuned!
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogI am submitting a story (or, arguably, eight) to Sci Phi Journal, a magazine of thoughtful science fiction. The story has actually been finished for some time, and it is only now that I have gotten the mental and emotional energy to continue...
Progress report!
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogCurrently The City and the Dungeon is undergoing a number of small revisions, due to the helpful advice of my writer's group. There will be, God willing, more news either later this month or in December. I have a number of other, small...