What I’ve been doing elsewhere.

Feb 14, 2017 | Writings | 0 comments

I hadn’t linked to this before, because I was unsure how it was going to work out. I’ve been writing a significant number of articles for Steemit, which you can all read by clicking on this helpful hyperlink.


Steemit is one of those new-fangled crypto-platform-world-chains. It’s kinda like blogging, except you get paid. Maybe. I’ve had mixed success, but sometimes that success is big. And in any case, there’s no point trying to only write if you get paid. It doesn’t work that way.

Self-apologetics aside, I’m rambling onto an article I just wrote. If you’ve ever wondered why my posts are sometimes a little bizarre, or I go for long silences, this is why.

I am bipolar.


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The World of Wishes is out!

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