July-August Progress Update.
I will, God willing have a short story set in the world of C&D out by the end of the month. This short story will BE FREE!!!11!! (To serve as a kind of teaser, if you will.)
The World of Wishes, unfortunately, threw a literary shoe and had to be put down. :*( Meanwhile, I have started work on a novel tentatively called Argent while still working on tSSoL. MYSTERIES ABOUND.
Meanwhile, the second edition of Prince Anak the Immortal is out. Sorta. It seems that releasing a second edition has baffled Amazon, to the point where it offers my book three times. I’ll be waiting a few weeks to see if it resolves itself, then pestering one or more e-commerce giants to see if I can fix things.
In Space Nobody Cares what You Do (as Long as You Don’t Do Anything)
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogSpace travel and colonization is a common love of libertarians and the like, and I, though neither libertarian or the like, am all for it. The concept at heart may be the infinite liberty of the eternal frontier--if you do not want to live in...
It’s Post-a-Palooza!
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogNot updating a blog is like approaching a black hole: the less you post, the less you post. A number of forces have conspired with my own procrastination to leave this blog fallow. Some of them have been the number of writing projects upon...
Review (of and not by myself)
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogPerhaps you have wished for a review of my own book, not trusting my impeccable and unbiased self. Here you go!