July-August Progress Update.

Aug 1, 2017 | Behind the Scenes, Declarations, Progress | 0 comments

The City and the Dungeon is now under review by the copy editor. We’re not sure how long this will take, but I suspect I’ll have more news by the end of August. I hope.

I will, God willing have a short story set in the world of C&D out by the end of the month. This short story will BE FREE!!!11!! (To serve as a kind of teaser, if you will.)

The World of Wishes, unfortunately, threw a literary shoe and had to be put down. :*( Meanwhile, I have started work on a novel tentatively called Argent while still working on tSSoL. MYSTERIES ABOUND.

Meanwhile, the second edition of Prince Anak the Immortal is out. Sorta. It seems that releasing a second edition has baffled Amazon, to the point where it offers my book three times. I’ll be waiting a few weeks to see if it resolves itself, then pestering one or more e-commerce giants to see if I can fix things.


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Are there games in Heaven?

This is a question that has often perplexed me, being player of games myself, for one cannot find a dogmatic answer to it, and this is perhaps for the best. We know that we cannot truly imagine what Heaven will be like, and that we have have perfect natural happiness and, of course, our supernatural beatitude, which is the point of this entire endeavor. If there are no games of any sort, then we will still have the infinite glory of gazing on God Himself for all eternity.