Matthew P. Schmidt
My Blog
C&D1 new edition cover reveal!

Why I prefer the generic he to the singular they.
This aforementioned principle of mine is sadly no longer about grammar; it is about a whole host of partisan issues. But I’m going to ignore all of those and talk solely about why I don’t use the singular they for an antecedent of unknown gender.
Are there games in Heaven?
This is a question that has often perplexed me, being player of games myself, for one cannot find a dogmatic answer to it, and this is perhaps for the best. We know that we cannot truly imagine what Heaven will be like, and that we have have perfect natural happiness and, of course, our supernatural beatitude, which is the point of this entire endeavor. If there are no games of any sort, then we will still have the infinite glory of gazing on God Himself for all eternity.
C&D2’s first draft is done!
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogAs the title suggests, I just finished the first draft of C&D's sequel. I have been struggling for so long to complete this, and now... IT'S FINALLY DONE!!! What's next? God willing, this: I'm going to give my brain a break from...