Matthew P. Schmidt

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C&D2 is finally out!

Oct 12, 2020 | Declarations | 1 comment

The War Throughout the Dungeon is finally here!

Thanks so much to all of you for waiting this long. I’m sure you’ll find it worth it.

Release day is special for a variety of reasons, but one of them is that buying in the first few days boosts the book’s rating, which can lead to more sales. Now would be a great time to help boost them, if you haven’t already. 😉

So here it is again: IT’S FINALLY OUT!

1 Comment

  1. Yaaay! When will it be on audible? Oh and do you have Instagram?


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What to the Modern White Guy is “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”?

I have always been inspired by the story of Fredrick Douglass, a slave who escaped slavery to become a renowned orator and author. His is not the story of a man who was second-rate, shooed into the spotlight only for his relative accomplishments compared to his past. What use would that be? No, he was not merely any random speaker, but Fredrick Douglass, a name that survives to this day in history books, no matter how often it is skimmed over.

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