Tales of the Once and Future King
Matthew P. Schmidt My Blog I'm in an anthology! Go buy it! ...OK, you want more information. Fine. Tales of the Once and Future King is a hybrid between a novel and an anthology. This anthnovology consists of the main frame story, about the new King Arthur in a...
Two new stories/August Progress Update!
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogPlenty of news in this post! First, PRICE DROP!!1! All of my short stories are now $0.99, and The API of the Gods is now $1.99. Enjoy! Second, I have a new story up, set in the world of C&D: Check it out here! Now, you might notice that I...
July-August Progress Update.
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogThe City and the Dungeon is now under review by the copy editor. We're not sure how long this will take, but I suspect I'll have more news by the end of August. I hope. I will, God willing have a short story set in the world of C&D out by...
Prince Anak the Immortal, Second Edition, is Incoming, and Other Stories
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogPrince Anak the Immortal was somewhat rushed to press, and a few issues snuck in, as well as one line at which I always wince. (It's the "kilowatt hours per hour" one, for reference.) If anyone has spotted any typos, speak now, or...
Hey! What’s going on? You didn’t post at all during May!
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogYes, yes. The third and final draft is just about ready for proofreading, but then a MASSIVE POSITIVE NON-WRITING LIFE TWIST occurred. The downside of which is that C&D will be, yes, delayed again. As soon as things stabilize it's time to...
The Second Draft is Done!
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogSee the title. Currently, my writer's group is reviewing the manuscript, and after that, it's on to proofreading. After that (May, God willing), we'll see about publication.
Yet Another Progress Update
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogThis month, I got to about 3/4ths of the way through the second draft of _C&D_. The bad news: due to two different Real Life™ happenings, it's not finished. Next month!
Another Progress Update.
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogI found a more traditional venue that might accept C&D. I hope to submit before the end of March, or at least before the end of April. Either case, there's unfortunately more of a delay, but it shouldn't be long. It's happening!
Progress Update.
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogAside from steeming away at steemit, I've been still working on revising C&D. As well as working through emotional crises. That tends to slow things down. Black humor aside, it looks to be released in March now, or, at worst, April....
What I’ve been doing elsewhere.
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogI hadn't linked to this before, because I was unsure how it was going to work out. I've been writing a significant number of articles for Steemit, which you can all read by clicking on this helpful hyperlink. https://steemit.com/@smithgift...
Smithgift's Stuff
Blog Highlights
How many angels can, in fact, dance on the head of a pin?
The theological equivalent of xkcd's What If? column, if you will. Yet the question, absurd or not, remains.
The Melancholy of Heaven
Are martyrs sad? Standard answer: no. They are in Heaven by definition, and “He will wipe every tear from their eyes.” I agree. Generally.
Lessons Learned from Making Educational Games for Kids
This is the first article in lessons we've learned, starting with the front-end design of the games themselves.
The C-x C-f Writing Method
There comes a time in every writer’s life whereupon they must stand atop the nearest soapbox, milkcrate, or indefinite cubic object to declaim how their style of writing is THE BEST.