Not-January Update
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogThis update was meant to be posted yesterday, but by the time I thought to write/post it, it was too late. đ It's looking like March for release. I'm still working through revisions, for which I've set a deadline of "the end of February."...

More progress (and cover reveal!)
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogI have received the finished cover from Streetlight Graphics today. Here it is! Chances are the book won't be available by January, as there's still some revisions to do. February, or more realistically March, is more likely. But stay tuned!
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogI am submitting a story (or, arguably, eight) to Sci Phi Journal, a magazine of thoughtful science fiction. The story has actually been finished for some time, and it is only now that I have gotten the mental and emotional energy to continue...
Progress report!
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogCurrently The City and the Dungeon is undergoing a number of small revisions, due to the helpful advice of my writer's group. There will be, God willing, more news either later this month or in December. I have a number of other, small...
Fiction Review: Aurora, by Kim Stanley Robinson
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogCheck out my review policy for a few disclaimers before proceeding. Content warnings: Violence, sex as banally noted by a computer, swearing, but more importantly, a dreary philosophy that pervades the whole book. I add three more disclaimers...
Monday Musings: Purgatory, Punishment, Purification, and Plumbism
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogPurgatory is a doctrine I usually have little trouble with. It is merciful in its own way, as one no longer has to either deem a sin meaningless or damning. Imperfection is a option. Punishment, on the other hand, is not so simple. It has...
A Tale of Three Videogames
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogBEFORE: Mordor: The Depths of Dejenol was one of my favorite CRPGs growing up. Still is, since the last character I played I put about 30 hours in. Something always felt more full about Mordor than other CRPGs. You weren't just delving a...
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogYes, I have been radio-silent for a time (albeit that I use a wired connection.) Part of this is because the main project I was working on I temporarily shelved for REASONS. But last night, I finished the draft of The City and the Dungeon....
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogThere are times in one's life when one becomes so fed up with Windows 10 and its shenanigans that one decides to install Ubuntu instead. At such a time, one may wish to keep the previous installation of Windows, should for some reason one...
Two new titles!
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogTwo, yes, TWO new works of mine are now available on Amazon! Both flash fiction, and both some of my own favorite writings. Silence is a post-apocalyptic story about love. We who Live by the Death of Stars is a slipstream tragedy, which I...
Smithgift's Stuff
Blog Highlights
How many angels can, in fact, dance on the head of a pin?
The theological equivalent of xkcd's What If? column, if you will. Yet the question, absurd or not, remains.
The Melancholy of Heaven
Are martyrs sad? Standard answer: no. They are in Heaven by definition, and âHe will wipe every tear from their eyes.â I agree. Generally.
Lessons Learned from Making Educational Games for Kids
This is the first article in lessons we've learned, starting with the front-end design of the games themselves.
The C-x C-f Writing Method
There comes a time in every writerâs life whereupon they must stand atop the nearest soapbox, milkcrate, or indefinite cubic object to declaim how their style of writing is THE BEST.