July-August Progress Update.

Aug 1, 2017 | Behind the Scenes, Declarations, Progress | 0 comments

The City and the Dungeon is now under review by the copy editor. We’re not sure how long this will take, but I suspect I’ll have more news by the end of August. I hope.

I will, God willing have a short story set in the world of C&D out by the end of the month. This short story will BE FREE!!!11!! (To serve as a kind of teaser, if you will.)

The World of Wishes, unfortunately, threw a literary shoe and had to be put down. :*( Meanwhile, I have started work on a novel tentatively called Argent while still working on tSSoL. MYSTERIES ABOUND.

Meanwhile, the second edition of Prince Anak the Immortal is out. Sorta. It seems that releasing a second edition has baffled Amazon, to the point where it offers my book three times. I’ll be waiting a few weeks to see if it resolves itself, then pestering one or more e-commerce giants to see if I can fix things.


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