Two new stories/August Progress Update!

Aug 28, 2017 | Behind the Scenes, Progress, Writings | 0 comments

Plenty of news in this post!

First, PRICE DROP!!1! All of my short stories are now $0.99, and The API of the Gods is now $1.99. Enjoy!

Second, I have a new story up, set in the world of C&D:


Check it out here!

Now, you might notice that I said the above story would be free, and it’s not. What gives? Simply put: Amazon’s somewhat bizarre policy of forbidding people from putting up books for free directly. As it is, I stand by its quality enough to sell it.

But if you’re still looking for a free, Sci Phi Journal has my A Fractal of Eight Tragedies in Fifteen Parts available for anyone to see. Check it out!

Meanwhile, C&D itself is still on the long road to publication. More news soon.


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The Taste for Realism

I have seen, and admittedly indulged in that fan activity I will call the Fact Checking Game. It goes like this: First, you take some work of fiction, particularly a popular one, and you find some fascinating idea or claim it has. Then you deconstruct it with real world logic, checking all the facts and invariably coming up with an unrealistic or at least implausible conclusion. At this point, bemoaning that the creator did not think of this may commence. As a sequel, you can find some plausible counterpoint, and argue with the proponents of the former conclusion until the cows come home.

This is not, in itself, a bad thing.

On Gratuitous Rape

This is not a happy-go-lucky post. If this subject matter disturbs you, I suggest reading something else, or perhaps waiting a few days–I plan to blog more frequently in the future.

The taste of the modern public has been, as of late, for dark and “gritty” fiction. Whether or not said fiction actually is is a subject for someone else’s post, but consider: The Hunger Games. Game of Thrones. The Malazan Book of the Fallen. The Witcher. Actually, I could rattle off a whole list of popular, dark, fiction, and invariably most of them are going to contain rape.