End of March Status Update
Nonetheless, I am unveiling…
The City and the Dungeon, now in audiobook form!
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Tales of the Once and Future King
Matthew P. Schmidt My Blog I'm in an anthology! Go buy it! ...OK, you want more information. Fine. Tales of the Once and Future King is a hybrid between a novel and an anthology. This anthnovology consists of the main frame story, about the new King Arthur in a...
Two new stories/August Progress Update!
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogPlenty of news in this post! First, PRICE DROP!!1! All of my short stories are now $0.99, and The API of the Gods is now $1.99. Enjoy! Second, I have a new story up, set in the world of C&D: Check it out here! Now, you might notice that I...
July-August Progress Update.
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogThe City and the Dungeon is now under review by the copy editor. We're not sure how long this will take, but I suspect I'll have more news by the end of August. I hope. I will, God willing have a short story set in the world of C&D out by...
LOVE this book!!! Can not wait for the next in the series. Please, please, pleases tell me you’ll be starting the next soon??
See my latest status update. In short, I’ve decided to start it, but it’s still early in, and I have no idea about a release date any more.