Tales of the Once and Future King
I’m in an anthology! Go buy it!
…OK, you want more information. Fine.
Tales of the Once and Future King is a hybrid between a novel and an anthology. This anthnovology consists of the main frame story, about the new King Arthur in a post-apocalyptic future, interspersed with other Arthurian stories. One is written by yours truly, Matthew P. Schmidt.
What’s my story called? Tristan and Isolde: A Chivalric Tragedy with Giant Steampunk Battle Robots (also vampires). The name should be self-explanatory.
C&D2’s first draft is done!
Matthew P. Schmidt My BlogAs the title suggests, I just finished the first draft of C&D's sequel. I have been struggling for so long to complete this, and now... IT'S FINALLY DONE!!! What's next? God willing, this: I'm going to give my brain a break from...
What to the Modern White Guy is “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”?
I have always been inspired by the story of Fredrick Douglass, a slave who escaped slavery to become a renowned orator and author. His is not the story of a man who was second-rate, shooed into the spotlight only for his relative accomplishments compared to his past. What use would that be? No, he was not merely any random speaker, but Fredrick Douglass, a name that survives to this day in history books, no matter how often it is skimmed over.
A shameless plug for someone else.